Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hudson for Continuous Integration

Well I've been working with Hudson for about…a day and a half. I had it up and running in about 5 minutes or so (including my first task). I easily added a few plugins, configured the SMTP mail server to get build fail notifications, and set the HUDSON_HOME to the dir of my choice. This is where the projects are located and build information is stored.

Comparing Hudson to CruiseControl, a CI tool I've used for a long time now, is not something I'm ready for yet.

CruiseControl is very powerful and has lots of features, but with the experience I've had with it, it's all done in an XML configuration file.

After the install of Hudson, all configurations are done through the web app. I get a message (in "Manage Hudson") when there is a new version of Hudson, and then I can download the WAR, deploy it and I'm running again. No need to merge or do anything special for that (that I've noticed so far).

Looking forward to more with Hudson. Great tool.

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